Friday, April 10, 2009

I'm Glad Michelle Obama is 'Finally Proud to be American"

As the title of this post might indicate, I am going to vent in this post. For those of you who are unaware of the titled quote from the great princess of the New America it was said at a rally towards the end of the Presidential Elections last fall. So what am I going to vent about? I am really disgusted that the French President Sarkozy has more backbone than our savior president Obama! Let me explain.

For any of you that are living someplace besides under a rock you have heard the buzz the past few days about the U.S. flagged ship that was attacked off the coast of Somalia this week. If you haven't heard anything about this, crawl out from under your rock and listen to the news, or HEAVEN FORBID read a newspaper. The sailors on this ship epitomized the spirit of America by fighting off the heavily armed pirates and at one point even taking a pirate hostage. As Americans these are individuals that we can be proud of! In the scuffle, as we know, the American captain was taken hostage by the pirates and currently they are sitting in a 'dead' lifeboat in the middle of the ocean with one US Destroyer on site and two more that should be there later today. So now that there has been some background on the situation let me explain my beef with our invertebrate of a president.

The first sign that we, as a country, are in trouble when it comes to security came yesterday when, following a Presidential briefing on the housing crisis a reporter asked the President about the current situation off the coast of Somalia. The Obama said, and I directly quote, "we are talking about the housing issue right now." He then folded up his papers and exited the room! Not even a, "we have specialists on site and we are working towards a peaceful ending. Our prayers are with the family of the Captain." So my blood has been at a simmer since that happened yesterday and now it has again returned to a healthy boil. The latest news reports are that they are negotiating a 2 million dollar ransom demand by the pirates for the captain. WHAT? There is very reliable intelligence that proves these Somali pirates are funneling a good portion of their money to known terrorist groups, our enemies, but rather than kill these worthless pukes of humanity and take back our captain we are NEGOTIATING WITH THEM? At the same time the French military stormed a French yacht held by pirates earlier this morning and killed the pirates and took back the boat. Its true that one of the french civilians on board was killed as well but atleast the French had the guts to fight back!

Now they are reporting that several pirate controlled ships are heading to the area and the standoff will soon become much more critical. Thankfully we have a President, Commander and Chief, that will NOT make decisions when it is critical and now unstead of just killing 4 worthless Somali pirates and moving on with life we are now involved in a situation that can only get worse! So much for the French being gutless. It seems that the shoes have switched feet and the U.S. is now the gutless nation and the French are willing to fight for what they believe in.

So, Michelle Obama might be proud to be an American FINALLY but I think right now I'd rather be French!


Leon said...

Zees iz a goot weezon I may bee mooveeng to Zee Fwance.

Levi Dean said...

You get us an airplane drop and I'll have your back while we go kick some pirate butt! We needed a President from the west who understand how cowboy dealt with outlaws.

Chess said...

LOL Levi!