Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Copycat or the Real Thing?

I very rarely go back on something I vow to do but times like these call for exceptions. For anyone who has followed my blog the past several months the Lucky Charmer was banished from my blog months ago. For those of you who are new to my blog I would recommend reading about this phantom of the night in my previous blog entries.

Why am I talking about the banished follower of my blog? I'll explain. Last night my favorite neighbor from BLAPT 13 was at my place visiting Jason and I and when we walked her to the door at a little past midnight we were surprised to see the LC's calling card (a box of Lucky Charms) sitting in front of our door. Those of you who are familiar with the LC will recall that each item that was left on my porch was littered with meaningless clues to nowhere in an attempt by the adversary to piddle my time away chasing false clues (it worked). Well, last night's 'gift' followed the same mo with the words 'Grow up' and 'time is running out' circled very prominently on the box. Today I decided to open them up and have a bowl of cereal only to find that this particular box of Lucky Charms was lacking the marshmallows! Upon further investigation I found that the perpetrator had opened the bottom of the bag, poured out the cereal, sorted out all the marshmallows, put the puffed poop leftovers back in the bag, and then melted the bag shut again! Once again, for those familiar with the LC's beginnings you will recall that it all started when I made reference in a blog post to Lucky Charms in a post dedicated to life and dating. In that reference I pointed out that while most of the time, in life, we are stuck dealing with the menial labors of life (nasty puffed oat pieces in LC cereal) once in a while we are blessed with sweet little morsels that persuade us to continue looking for love, success, education, etc (this would be the marshmallows). So, in essence last nights little escapade by the LC (or a copycat) was meant to show me that they have essentially taken it upon themselves to deprive me of the sweet moments in life. To me this is an act of war and I refuse to stand idly by while they do such things!

You may be wondering, "what can he do since he doesn't even know who it is?" That is an excellent question, and one that I have a very solid answer for. A very close friend of mine just happened to be out in the parking lot in his/her car that was parked very closely to my door and noticed the package being dumped on my steps! Yup, the LC was caught red handed! Well upon investigation we figured out who it was that made the drop last night and we are planning retaliatory measures that will, essentially make them cry. I have my doubts that last night was actually an impersonator that only wished they were the LC but regardless the war is on. The ONLY way that you can escape the wrath of BLAPT 14 is by admitting your actions. You might think that by saying this I am admitting that I really don't know who you are. In that case, you are absolutely WRONG and will suffer the consequences. Choose wisely.

If you are in fact the original Lucky Charmer I will gladly admit your greatness on my blog if you come and fess up. If you aren't the original LC then apparently you had nothing better to do last night so you pulled a flawed copycat prank (flawed since you were caught) after stalking my blog. Anyways, Copy Cat or "Real Deal" the choice is yours. If we have not heard from you by Thursday night you can expect a visit from us. Good Luck!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Is Having a Taste Better Than Ignorance?

Well, I'm still alive! Hopefully the majority of those that read this are glad to hear that news. Sorry I haven't written in so long. I have been really busy and really shouldn't have time to be writing tonight but for two nights in a row I am unable to sleep. Maybe I'll get back into the swing of things though.

It seems like all of my closest friends have been going through one hardship or another recently. Admittedly most of them have to do with relationships with the opposite sex. I was in the middle of a conversation last night with a dear friend of mine about her recent let down and the question came to my mind, "is ignorance really bliss?" I mean just about all of us have experienced some sort of situation in our lives where we feel like, at least for some short period of time, we were able to taste what the happiness of heaven might be like. We have also probably felt the sting of having that little taste of heaven ripped away from us, never to return again. Maybe this was a relationship, a friendship, or an outpouring of the spirit, but we have all felt the highs of life and the lows in some facet of our life thus far. If you haven't... get away from the computer and go live a life.

So, back to the ignorance issue. Since it was a broken heart at the hand of a boy that brought this question into my mind I'm going to focus on that. Anyone that has had a dating experience that seemed so perfect, you clicked with the significant other in every way possible, you felt like there was nothing negative about the experience, and, in the best of cases, he/she brings out a side of you that is so good it surprises even you to find it inside yourself. I've had a couple such experiences and, to me it seems like that's the closest thing to heaven I've had the pleasure to experience thus far in life. However, in the aftermath of the collapse of such relationships the pain is so immense you wonder if you'll ever want to clear the emotional rubble and date again because you just can't imagine finding such happiness with anyone else. At least that's how I've been following surprise breakups. This is where the ignorance question comes in.

Those people that have never had such an experience as outlined above are, essentially in a state of ignorance. This ignorance may or may not be of their own choosing but, nonetheless they are ignorant of the happiness and joy that such an experience can bring into their life and are left hoping that one day they might taste of the fruits thereof. At the same time there are those of us who HAVE tasted the positive fruits of a healthy, happy relationship but are no longer involved in one. For us the single life is bitter sweet. Sure its nice to have 'your own life back' but on the other hand hanging out with the fellas just doesn't have the same appeal that it once had (with each healthy relationship that appeal seems to diminish) and you may find yourself wishing, albeit on the inside only, for something more to brighten your life. Basically what I'm getting at is this: Those who are ignorant don't have first hand experience of what they are living without and as such can't fully understand just how good it really is. Those who have tasted, to some extent, the fruits (both good and bad) of the better parts of life are keenly aware of what they are living without and, in many cases, mourn its absence. This is applicable to nearly everything not only in life but in the eternal scheme of things also. So while I don't regret having the life experiences that I have acquired I still wonder if maybe ignorance in some things is the way to go.

One has to wonder what other things we as humans are living in ignorance of. For those things I guess all we can do is hope that someday we can taste of those fruits.