Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Finals, Christmas, and Gingerbread

Many of you might be wondering, "what has happened to Kendall since his fabulous weekend?" Well, I'm here to tell you that I am still alive and that my fabulous weekend has extended itself into a fabulous two weeks!

How on earth could finals week be so good? Well, first of all, 3 take home finals and one rather easy Russian final make for an easy, stress-free 'finals week'. I found out today that I got a 100% on the Russian final which solidified a 98.5% in the course for my final grade! I was grateful for that! My last final was finished and printed just a little bit ago and will be handed in tomorrow. So, Finals week has been really easy on the school side and lots of fun on the social side.

Christmas break is upon us and I'm excited! I love Christmas and I love breaks from school so, naturally, Christmas BREAK is a fantastic time of the year for me. It means no more school 'til January 5th! Along with Christmas comes Christmas shopping... not exactly my past time of choice but its alright sometimes. Jason and I went shopping the other night and found the most amazing deal at JC Penney's! It had a certain some one's name written all over it and it was on sale! Not just any sale mind you, but the sale of a lifetime! I liked it so much that I am wishing someone was giving it to me :). (If any of you know what it is please don't say in the comments cause its still a surprise! ) I just realized that I still have two people in my family left to shop for so I guess I'll do that tomorrow....

Now, for the social part of my life.... well it suffices me to say that it is going GREAT! In the last two weeks I've seen both Chronicles of Narnia movies for the first time (GREAT MOVIES), went to the Festival of Trees in Salt Lake, went shopping (and actually enjoyed it), and last night I made the coolest gingerbread house/winter scene ever! If you want to see pictures click HERE for details and pictures. There are some things that are left out of the story on Megan's blog though. 1- We not only made the gingerbread house but the coolest paper snowflakes EVER! 2- In the process of making the gingerbread house we cut the table clothe in several places. We tried to tape them before Keara could see what we had done. In the process of covering up our crime we actually taped frosting to the table clothe! WHOOPS :) I guess it'll be a treat for someone next Christmas.

Anyways, this post was only intended to catch you up on my life since my last post. I'm thinking that over the break I'll post more often and even add some photos.


Megs said...

It has definitely been a fun week! I still can't believe that you got me this blanket! I am cuddled under it right now. So thank you! You are awesome!

Michele said...

i love those chronicles of narnia movies! they are way good! i still wanna check out that good deal you found at JC Penney!

Lamm Family said...

Yay for gingerbread houses! :) Next you should try cookie trains, they're amazing ha ha

Leon said...

Who is this "Megan" person? And what are the "Chronic - WHAT - cles of Narnia???" And I had to type in a word to leave this comment. Ha.