Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Since Thanksgiving is coming up in a couple of days I decided it would be a worthy idea for my post. I hope you will forgive me for taking a moment for sincerity. As this time of year comes around I try to make a special point to be grateful for the blessings I have in my life. This, combined with my bishop speaking in church on Sunday and asking us to take a minute this week to be thankful, has pushed me to take some time here on the blog.

The 5 things I am most thankful for:

1- My Family. When I think about my family it doesn't just include my wonderful parents, great brothers, incredible sisters-in-law, and adorable nieces (with a nephew coming anytime now). When I express gratitude for my family it also applies to my ancestors. My grandparents and great great great grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc. I don't know if any of you have read the books Banner is Unfurled but it is actually about my ancestors, the Ezekiel Johnson Family. This summer, in all my driving for work, I listened to the first several books of the series and realized how inspiring my ancestors are. I also took the hours on the road and listened to interviews people had done with my grandparents and my gratefulness grew even more because I was only 2 when my paternal grandfather died and by the time I could remember my paternal grandmother she was suffering the affects of diabetes and wasn't the woman that I heard about in the interviews with her. My maternal grandparents are also pretty amazing and I'm grateful to them for much (possibly the most is for there daughter, my mother). I also take the chance when I have free time to read the histories of ancestors. If you have never done this I highly recommend it. You will 'meet' amazing people you never knew much about, and be inspired by them.

2- The Gospel. Without going on for pages and pages I'll just leave it short and simple. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is what propels me to continuously strive to be a better person. Many people say "I don't know where I'd be without the Gospel", but I, on the other hand, am precisely aware of where I'd be and that makes me cherish my testimony and cherish the Gospel that much more. No, I've never been where I would be without it but I know myself better than anyone and I know my weaknesses. Thanks to the Gospel I also have a clear picture of what I want to achieve and that keeps me from taking the easy and immediately pleasureful route in life. It is TRUE.

3- America and the Associated Freedoms. I have always tried to make a point of not taking my freedoms for granted but I sometimes fall short on that. There are so many things to be grateful for associated with this. The chance to get an education, the freedom to own guns (for now at least), the freedom to speak your mind, the freedom to choose your own partner (although sometimes I think that the African tribes have it easiest), the freedom to travel anyplace in America without having special documents or permission, and most importantly the freedom to hope and dream (in no way is that an endorsement of ANY KIND for our next President). While he has used that as a political strategy I mean it in the sincere way. How many countries allow their people the luxury of being able to dream, with the possibility of actually achieving those dreams? Not very many but it is not a gift from Barrack Obama but rather a gift from our ancestors and the veterans who have made the freedoms given by God a reality, with their blood on foreign battle grounds. Be grateful for your freedoms and for the veterans that have paid the price for our freedoms.

4- Friends. My Roommates are probably the top of this list. For being 4 guys thrown into an apartment with little or no knowledge of one another beforehand we are like family it seems a lot of the time. Of course they are not my only friends. I refuse to pin point anyone specifically but I figure if you think you are one of them then you probably are :) . I am grateful for you and for your support and friendship. You are important to me. Thank you.

5- The University of Utah Runnin' Utes. I love college football and Saturday was great! If you want to watch a funny video click on this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6CROOR2QN8 . It is a couple minutes long and subtitles but it is HILARIOUS. Thank you UTES!!

Thanks All and Happy Thanksgiving!!


Anonymous said...

Kendall, you are a little sacriligist but we loved it. Way to go UTES!

Megs said...

Those are great things to be thankful for! I think i will have to do a thankful post soon!

my codeword this time almost said 'utes'. coincidence? i think not... :)

Leon said...

Kendall, you are in no way a sacrilege...

And African tribes? Hahahaha! I haven't heard something that funny since Peter got into a 7 minute fight with a giant rooster and in the end killed him...or did he...duhn dunh duuhhnnnnn!

And you must have read my mind because I was going to do a grateful post!!!

PS I have to type those stupid letters to enable me to comment on your post. Just thought you should know. Today the letters are "heaps!"

Matt said...

Very nice. I like it.