Tuesday, November 4, 2008

When Life Gives You a Treat

Life is tough. That's something that anyone grounded in reality knows and should appreciate. Day in and day out its a struggle to stay on top of things and make the best of sometimes crappy situations. With life being like that how can a person really enjoy it? Well, for me its simple- not easy by any means, but still simple- find the little treats that come your way and savor them as long as you can. Its like eating Lucky Charms, there are those nasty puffed oat bits that make up the majority of the bowl of cereal, and there is the tasty marshmallows. I'm the first to admit that I eat all the nasty oat chunks first so that the marshmallows can be the last thing I eat. Life is very much like that bowl of Lucky Charms. Most of it is the nasty, redundant, and sometimes ridiculous and painful day to day activities, but occasionally (albeit not often enough) you find a sweet little morsel of marshmallow in the mix. Let me explain. Life right now for me consists of school, working out (which is usually a marshmallow when its finished), homework, reading, church calling, studying for the LSAT, and making an attempt to be social (difficult for me sometimes). However, every once in a while a find a surprise in the mix of cereal that I call life.

Some of my favorite morsels of marshmallow that I find in my life are working out, geocaching, Heroes, The Unit, and possibly talking to a certain someone. These are not the only sweet little treats I find in my life but they are the most consistent. Going home is always a big ole' fatty marshmallow that I savor until my parents finally tell me its time to leave for Logan so they wont be up all night waiting for me...

So Basically what I'm getting at is this: Life is tough and knocks you down often BUT God puts little treats in your life to help you through the tough times. I have come to appreciate the tough times because I know that they will make the treats that much more amazing. So, until I find the nerve to let her know what I think I'll just continue to enjoy the LITTLE morsels I find in my life. Maybe if I cowboy up the morsels will be larger and sweeter.... Until then... bring out the Marshmallow Mateys!!! (I am a student that can't afford the luxury of Lucky Charms)


Leon said...

Cowboy up and grow a pair!

David Cochran said...

You don't need Lucky Charms, Marshmellow Mateys are a heck of alot better, plus you get double the amount for your money.

Megs said...

wow! i love love love the analogy, i eat my lucky charms the exact same way! yum... i just bought some! :) you're analogy actually made me laugh out loud, i think i will blow it up, print it out, and hang it on my wall! :) so true, so true