Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Test

I had an interesting experience with my last blog post that I'd like to share. So I do a comparison of sorts of my life and Lucky Charms right? Well, at about midnight last night the doorbell rang and when I answered there was a box of Lucky Charms on the steps with the words, "TO: Kendall" written on the box. At first I was confused and just stood there in the doorway. I then walked around my building and looked around a bit for the person that left me such a scrumptious gift but to no avail. I've done some sleuthing and come up empty so far so I'm offering a proposal. I decided that I really, really like brownies so I'm going to use them in an analogy of my life somehow.

Ya know, I was thinking today, my personality is a lot like a pan of brownies. If you look at the whole pan from only one angle (the top since all other sides are hidden by the pan) you see someone that is kinda rough and maybe not that appealing. However, if you take the time to get to know me and maybe see me in different situations and get to know me more one on one (or cut a chunk of brownie out of the pan and look at all the sides, taking special note of the soft, chewy, and delicious inside) you'll see that I'm actually a pretty decent guy. I'm actually warm and quite a softy once you get to know me.

OK, so now I've made an attempt at applying myself to a pan of brownies you (secret Lucky Charms person) have a choice to make. You could do nothing and leave me in the dark forever (I don't recommend because that simply means you'll never know my reaction), OR you could let me know who you are and either give me that plate of brownies OR, if you are who I want you to be I'll give ya the option to upgrade YOUR plate of brownies for an amazing evening with a great dinner and a fun time on ME..... the choice is yours.

PS if you're a guy and you did it.... you're sick and need help :) AND you don't get a dinner out of this :)


Hizzeather said...

Ohhhh...this blog just got interesting! (no offense :)

Do keep us updated!

ps...when you were doing the whole brownie analogy thing, I was thinking, "He''s like a pan of brownies? We have to cut him in pieces and pull him apart to see that he's actually gooey inside?"

pps...could it be that girl that you were sick of playing games with?

ppps...there is NO WAY it was a guy.

The Laws' said...

You freaking crack me up!

Anonymous said...

Hey...if you know who you want it to be why don't you just tell her, and skip the game? You might get more than just a plate of brownies in the end... ;)

Leon said...

i agree with anonymous.

Anonymous said...

that's really funny, I'm not gonna lie! I hope you get some brownies!:)

kristin brown said...

Ha ha ha... I'm intrigued...

leslie miles stobbe said...

I'm intrigued as well!!

Jalene said...

I am also intrigued. Haha that is way funny. Did you try looking for a "surprise" in the Lucky Charms like you said in your post? That's where I would think it would be.